Getting Started in Emergency Services
As a new Civil Air Patrol operator, we want you to be able to start working towards your Emergency Services training as quickly as possible. To aid in that endeavor we have created the page as a road map to start that process.
GETTING STARTED: Job #1 is to complete Level 1 Orientation "Starting Your Journey" in the AXIS Learning System --get on that as soon as you have your membership number and knock it out. Contact your Squadron Commander, Deputy Commander, or unit Professional Development Officer when you finish to complete the face-to-face portion of the training.
INITIAL TRAINING: In addition to the Foundations Course, you will need to complete the General Emergency Services Test (CAPT 116 - General ES) located in the AXIS system under the Learning Management System (LMS). You will also need to complete the Ground Team (CAPT 117 ES Part 1) and Mission Aircrew (CAPT 117 ES Part 2) tests, depending on which type of training you plan to do (Both of which are also located on the AXIS system. Because CAP participates in a national framework for emergency response, all of our SAR folks need to understand the National Incident Management Systems framework (NIMS). You'll need to complete ICS 100 and IS 700 (SAR pilots also need ICS 200 and mission base staff need ICS 800) Aircrew in training need to complete aircraft ground handling training in AXIS as well. Knocking these out early gets you well on your way to "Mission Ready" status.
PILOTS: Certificated pilots should get with a standardization and evaluation officer to discuss the path toward becoming a CAP Mission Pilot. CAP Transportation Mission Pilots (TMPs) can fly passengers and cargo and help with aircraft relocations. Transport pilot requires 100 hours of PIC and 50 hours of logged cross-country time. CAP Search and Rescue/Disaster Response (SAR/DR) mission pilots (MPs) require 200 hours of PIC time and 50 hours of cross-country time. SAR/DR mission pilot trainees must first qualify as a mission scanner before mission pilot. All aircrew members are expected to complete urban direction finding (UDF) training-you'll need it for hunting ELTs at an airport. Cadet Orientation pilots take the Cadet Orientation Ride exam initially and every four years and require 200 hours PIC for CAP cadets and 300 hours PIC for AFROTC/AFJROTC cadet support programs (managed at wing-level). We'll try to train new pilots one-on-one so we get you some loggable flying time as well. (We've all been there!) Pilots are required to accomplish check rides annually, to include taking written exams and checklist/aircraft exams. Pilots can check the "What Do I Need" page in eServices under Ops Quals to review where they are in the process, and all the testing and documentation requirements in a checklist form for all of our pilot qualifications.
If you're joining CAP and are a certificated CFI, please contact your unit Operations Officer or Chief of Stan/Eval directly so we can ensure we coordinate your training with an available check pilot so you can serve as a CAP Instructor Pilot.
Important: Student pilots who are CAP members should coordinate with a CAP squadron check pilot about two weeks prior to their expected Designated Pilot Examiner check ride to ensure that your DPE can qualify you as a CAP pilot--that saves you a lot of time and effort getting through your initial pilot qualification in CAP.
AIRCREW: Non-pilots interested in flying should sign up for mission scanner (MS) training. This starts you on a path to airborne photographer and mission observer (MO). Observers are the "mission managers" in the aircraft and plan our SAR sorties. Check the Aircrew Task Guide for how to meet the specific training objective requirements in mission scanner specialty qualification training requirements (SQTR). All aircrew members are expected to complete urban direction finding (UDF) training.
GROUND SAR: Members who prefer to "keep their feet on the ground" will normally start with urban direction finding (UDF) training to progress into ground teams and up to ground team leader. Check the Specialty Qualification Training Record (SQTR) Worksheet in Ops Quals for the requirements and prerequisites for each specialty. Once you know which way you want to go, start your research by looking at the SQTR and the Ground Task Guide. You may find that through previous training you know how to do many of the tasks--that will expedite your training. Any documentation of your prior training and experience will help your trainer.
Lastly, we're always on the lookout for highly capable, energized, and self-motivated members to help us energize Wing Operations in both ops and ES disciplines. If you have the time, energy, experience, and motivation to help us develop the best operators in the Civil Air Patrol. See the Director of Operations about joining the Operations Team!