South Carolina Wing
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See Special Checklist Notices in RED

1. When the RCC requests mission resources from the South Carolina Wing, the RCC will contact an SCWG Incident Commander from the Incident Commander Duty Roster.

2. Being on the IC duty roster serves as the South Carolina Wing Commander's delegation of authority to the incident commander for support to RCC mission requests.

3. ICs will identify units and resources, select the best and broadest selection of resources available based on the mission requirements to have assets airborne or ground teams deployed ("on the road" or "airborne")  within two hours of initial RCC notification.

4. ICs will initially notify selected units using the SOUTH CAROLINA WING EMERGENCY SERVICES ALERTING SYSTEM or manually by phone/text using the unit-provided contact information on the SOUTH CAROLINA WING ALERT ROSTER. IC's may use both systems at their discretion to ensure positive notification and feedback. ICs should alert all units capable of performing the mission to ensure the fastest Civil Air Patrol response.

5. ICs will brief units or direct activated units to contact the RCC for sortie information and mission briefings/debriefings as needed. The IC will emphasize safe mission execution in compliance with CAP regulations. The IC is not authorized to deviate from CAP standards.  Authority for operational exceptions to SCWG or CAP policies is retained by the South Carolina Wing Commander and above. 

6. If there is a potential for significant mission expansion, ICs will immediately notify the SARO and should begin coordinating for additional Incident Management Team staff support from qualified ICS team members and then capable SCWG members early based on potential needs as the situation dictates.  If remote operations and advanced logistics support are expected, ICs should prepare for that circumstance and coordinate any potential Remain Over Night ("RON") requirements with the NOC for approvals IN ADVANCE of aircrews or ground crews committing to operations that require funds for lodging or transportation.

7. TEMP: ICs will contact the Civil Air Patrol National Operations Center at 877-227-9142, extension 300, to confirm mission activation and sortie authorization.  This is a critical step and will impede release if not done.  The NOC operates 24/7--do not wait to call.

8. ICs will notify the IC email group of an RCC mission tasking within 30 minutes of accepting the mission with the following information):



  1. IC contact Information: (full name, mobile phone, email, radio channel, etc.)
  2. RCC Tasking Date and Time/Mission Number: (Date and Time of the initial call from RCC) / (if provided or loaded in WMIRS, otherwise "TBD")
  3. Operational Period: (the 24-hour local clock time for the initial OP, usually 12 hours, but may be up to 24, see para 10)
  4. Situation Summary/Safety Brief: (any specific direction, unique situations, potential for incident expansion, SAFETY concerns/risks, etc.)
  5. Geographic Area/SARtopo Map: (Airport or Lat/Long and Range Ring, i.e. From TED 221° 20NM or N 61° 30.5' W 149° 23.3',  Include a map image from SARTopo with email, map layer dependent on type of search)
  6. Current and Planned SMART Objectives: (Responder safety, Find ELT, Find overdue aircraft, etc.)
  7. Current and Planned Actions: (What we plan to do to execute this mission)
  8. Additional ICS Staff members: (any OSC/LSC/AOBD/GBD you've added to help you, names, contact info)
  9. CAP Units Alerted/Tasked: (Units have you alerted, on stand-by, requested  / Units responding)
  10. Air Resources Requested/Expected: (#/type of Aircraft and ELT DF equipment)
  11. Ground Resources Requested/Expected: (UDF Teams, Ground SAR Teams)
  12. Additional amplifying information: (as necessary)

9. The IC will prepare an ICS Form 201, Incident Briefing, and upload it in the WIMRS mission files for missions as soon as workload allows. This is normally accomplished after initial sorties are launched.

10. The IC will monitor the activities of all involved CAP assets and will get updates from the RCC on mission progress and ensure the safety of CAP personnel.

11. IMAGES: Images and other related files can be shared via the teams mission page.  SAR mission images will not be shared by CAP personnel on social media, to the press, or to non-CAP or mission associated accounts.  (DR missions have their own unique arrangements and may be managed differently)

12. Operational Period Transition Recommendation: ICs and other mission base staff should limit themselves to a 14-hour Duty Day (aircrew crew rest requirements).  After 8 hours, mission base staff should ensure they have identified replacements and be prepared to hand-off their duties as directed by the IC.  After not more than 12 hours, a new operational period should be initiated and the incident handed off to another IC. If no IC is available to accept the hand-off, the IC may contact the SCWG/DOSR, SCWG/DOS, SCWG/DO, SCWG/CC (in order) to pass the mission.  When handing off a mission to a new IC, a transfer of command briefing must be completed between the ICs with a new incident email (see item 6 above) sent to the IC email group. Information to discuss with the new IC may include:

  • Incident history (what has happened)
  • Priorities and objectives
  • Current plan
  • Resource assignments (CAP and other known resources)
  • Incident organization
  • Resources requested/needed
  • Facilities established
  • Status of communications
  • Any constraints or limitations
  • Incident potential for expansion
  • Integration with RCC, AST, or other agencies

13.  ICs will send follow up notices to the IC email group periodically during the operational period, when significant events occur, and when the incident is closed or mission completed by RCC.  This keeps the SCWG commander, AFLO, and other ICs who may be needed to support extended operations aware of the ongoing situation to prepare to provide additional support and so everyone knows when the incident is complete.

South Carolina Wing Operational Mission (A1) Resources

Charts, Virtual Maps, and Flight Tracking
  • Sky Vector - Interactive online charts.  
  • VFR Sectional Chart - Online sectional chart.  Use the print screen function to copy sections into PowerPoint or other printable format for printing.
  • SAR Topo - Interactive online topographical maps and charts for SAR mission management.
  • Flight Aware - Flight tracking software for commercial and private aircraft on FAA flight plans and through ADS-B remote sites.
  • Google Earth - downloadable Google Earth application with high resolution imagery and contour data.
  • RCC Crash Database - RCC's crash database, updated regularly, and easy to download and import into SARTopo, Gaia, Foreflight, or Google Earth.
Investigative Resources
South Carolina Wing Mission Base Resources
  • ICS Form 214 Activity Log - Required for logging the activity at a mission base during exercises or multi-period IC operations where the Alaska Wing is lead incident manager. WMIRS unit/comm logs currently do not meet standards for this function.
  • ICS Forms 201-209 - ICS forms package (.pdf) for the initial Incident Action Plan for a major incident or ICS exercises.
  • ICS Form 211-P Personnel Sign In - Used to account for personnel participating in a mission base operation.
Contingency Environment Resources
FEMA Incident Command System (ICS) Resources
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